Tuesday, June 07, 2011

My Comments

My Comments:

"Obama Kills the War Powers Act. The President simply ignores the law.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:59:33 AM � 13 of 13
gunnyg to SeekAndFind

Could it be that the constitution was purposely drafted with flaws to allow for what has happened first with lincoln’s abuse/unconstitutional war against America, and then step-by-step to today’s predicament?????

Constitution Worship Revisited: I’m Still Fed Up!

by Gary D. Barnett

Recently by Gary D. Barnett: Osama bin Laden Causes Yet Another War? After He’s Dead?

Last year I wrote an article titled “I’m Fed Up With Constitution Worship!” Since that time it seems, I hear more and more every day about “getting back to the constitution,” mainly from “conservatives” and those of the Tea Party persuasion.

I always wonder not only have any of these people ever read and studied the constitution, but also do they even understand why it was secretly drafted in the first place? All indications show that they aren’t at all familiar with the enabling power of that document to create a strong central governing system that reduced severely the sovereignty of the states.

I have this contrarian view not because I am cynical or pessimistic, but because".................

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