Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Digital deception & the media

Digital deception & the media:

"Our current focus on the salacious versus the historically important is the result of a generation of illiteracy at the hands of a progressive media. Many within this generation receive their news from the intellectually deficient or the deliberately deceptive, from the likes of Jon Stewart to Stephen Colbert and beyond.

Such venues exist as pseudo-news and current event shows for the often factually and morally impaired, and frequently invite equally deficient or deceptive shills as guests to subtly mock issues of substance while pushing matters less taxing to one’s grey matter, all to the cackling delight of an enthusiastic studio audience.

Beyond those popular venues vacant of factual information, we have the actual cable and network news shows engaged in their own methods of deception through their biased depiction or omission. What is reported in these venues is agenda-driven as well. So too is what is not reported, decided at office levels far above the broadcast studios."

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