Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Holding the President Accountable on Libya by Ron Paul ~ "Obama Is a War Criminal Ron Paul on the assault on Libya."

"Obama Is a War Criminal
Ron Paul on the assault on Libya.

Holding the President Accountable on Libya by Ron Paul:

"Listen to Ron Paul.

Last week, more than 70 days after President Obama sent our military to attack Libya without a congressional declaration of war, the House of Representatives finally voted on two resolutions attempting to rein in the president.

This debate was long overdue, as polls show Americans increasingly are frustrated by congressional inaction. According to a CNN poll last week, 55 percent of the American people believe that Congress, not the president, should have the final authority to decide whether the U.S. should continue its military mission in Libya. Yet for more than 70 days Congress has ignored its constitutional obligations and allowed the president to usurp its authority.

Finally, Congressman Dennis Kucinich was able to bring to the floor a resolution asserting that proper constitutional war power authority resides with Congress. His resolution simply stated that 'Congress directs the President to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya by not later than the date that is 15 days after the date of the adoption of this concurrent resolution.'"
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!


Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



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The 'Reader Responses; shown on many posts/articles are almost always worthwhile reading.

Often, the comments by readers enhance the posted article greatly, and are informative and interesting.

Hopefully, all will remember to read the reader comments, and post their own as well.