Tuesday, June 07, 2011

It's Time To End Hamilton's Curse by Thomas DiLorenzo

It's Time To End Hamilton's Curse by Thomas DiLorenzo:

"What most Americans probably know about Hamilton is that he was a founding father, one of the authors of The Federalist Papers, and that his picture is on the ten-dollar bill. But he was much more than that, as the above-mentioned writers surely know.

As Jeff Taylor remarked in Where Did the Party Go? William Jennings Bryan, Hubert Humphrey, and the Jeffersonian Legacy, 'Hamilton, under the influence of the two political theorists most distasteful to Jefferson, Hobbes and Hume, was frankly the champion of the leviathan state.'

This is why in my forthcoming book, Hamilton's Curse, I discard Ron Chernow's advice about 'repudiating the modern world' and explain why Hamilton's political and economic legacy must be repudiated if America is to ever again be known as the land of the free.

Hamilton's Curse

Hamilton worshipped government power for its own sake, and sought a government that would seek 'imperial glory' (his words). He disrespected people like Jefferson who believed the primary purpose of government should be the protection of natural rights to life, liberty and property. He frequently complained of 'an excessive concern for liberty in public men' and called for a government of 'more energy.'"

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