Tuesday, June 07, 2011

American's Two-Party System is a Hoax

American's Two-Party System is a Hoax:

"One of my readers directed me to Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld's 'Why Conservatives Need to Back the Republican Party'. While I don't usually comment on a fellow author's column I thought it appropriate in this case because Blumenfeld brings up several key points that I often hear by my readers in defense of why they stay with the Republican Party.

The most common defense is that 'third' parties are unable to raise the money to win elections and winning elections is what politics is all about. That might be good logic for a non-Christian, but isn't that atheistic logic? Unfortunately there is hardly a one of us who has not been adversely affected in some area of our thinking by our secular humanist culture. We are thinking too much like the world.

Just ask yourself, how often has God worked against evil on the side of the majority or on the side with the most money? Our duty is not to 'win' elections. Like with every other aspect of our lives, even at election time, a Christian's main concern should be to bring glory to God - He will provide the results."....................

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