Saturday, November 05, 2011

UN has 'compelling proof' Iran is building nuclear warheads

UN has 'compelling proof' Iran is building nuclear warheads:

UN has 'compelling proof' Iran is building nuclear warheads
Daily Mail UK ^ | Nov. 4, 2011 | Daniel Bates

Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2011 9:39:05 AM by COUNTrecount

There is a ‘compelling case’ that Iran is secretly building an arsenal of nuclear warheads, warns the United Nations.

As speculation mounts that Israel or the U.S. could lead a military strike against Iran, a report clearly rejects Tehran’s claims its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes only.

Although the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency will stop short of explicitly saying Iran is making its own nuclear bombs, it will give plenty of new details.

Its report, due to be released next week, will also add to areas of concern that the UN has raised previously.

‘There are bits of it which clearly can only be for clandestine nuclear purposes,’ said an official.

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