Saturday, November 05, 2011

Obama Mocks House of Representatives for Reaffirming ‘In God We Trust’

Obama Mocks House of Representatives for Reaffirming ‘In God We Trust’:

Obama Mocks House of Representatives for Reaffirming ‘In God We Trust’

By Jerry McConnell Saturday, November 5, 2011

Obama, In God We TrustAfter all the publicity that could possibly be mustered up without the participation of the leftwing MainStream Media that has painted a brilliantly lucid photo of the anti-Christian status of the Muslim in hiding, Barack Hoosinsane Obama, believe it or not, there are still a few still wet-behind-the-ears slow-learners who think that he is a Christian.

That premise should be totally non-existent after a speech Obama made on November 03, 2011 on his second attempt to not only pinch but absolutely plunder a half trillion MORE of our U. S. Treasury government funds paid there by our loyal American taxpayers dollars in order to once again as in the 2009 jobs STIMULUS theft of a full trillion of those dollars, give large amounts to the corrupt labor unions that bought our White House for this thieving charlatan in November, 2008.

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