Saturday, November 05, 2011

Another woman jumps into race for president (This is for the guys)

Another woman jumps into race for president (This is for the guys):

Another woman jumps into race for president (This is for the guys)
WND ^ | 11/4/11 | Joe Kovacs

Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2011 11:08:28 AM by Baynative

Laurie Roth from Washington state is running not as a Republican, but as a self-described patriot and conservative on the American Independent Party ticket. She says she's already on the ballot in California, and will take steps to make sure her name is listed in the other 49 states.

Another pledge by Roth is to become totally energy independent in four years.

"America will be the largest exporter of energy in the world," says Roth. "Disconnect from OPEC. Employ 20 million people in energy infrastructure jobs [including] natural gas, oil, nuclear, solar and alternative fuels."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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