Friday, September 23, 2011

UN ‘Diplomats’ Always Walk Out But Return The Following Year

UN ‘Diplomats’ Always Walk Out But Return The Following Year:

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad triggered a mass exodus from the U.N. General Assembly’s chamber Thursday with a combative speech that blasted the United States and other Western powers and questioned whether Islamist terrorists were behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” (The Washington Post, Sept. 22, 2011).

“His words sent diplomats streaming for the exits, starting with the U.S. delegation and followed by dozens of Europeans and others. More than a third of the General Assembly seats were empty by the time Ahmadinejad finished speaking, to polite applause.”

While the Washington Post called the speech “combative”, ordinary folk called the Ahmadinejad speech plain “crazy”.

The Post describes the trained seal clapping of remaining ‘diplomats’ in the chamber as “polite” applause, while the rest of us call it “cowardly” praise.

They’re making the diplomats who walk out sound like they accomplished a courageous deed. Diplomats walked out of last year’s UN event, and if the current global recession leaves anybody still able to get around, they will do their watusi walk next year, too.......................

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