Tuesday, September 20, 2011

President Barack Obama is campaigning, not leading, with his no-pain debt reduction plan

President Barack Obama is campaigning, not leading, with his no-pain debt reduction plan:

Judging by his combativeness Monday, President Obama has gotten the rhetoric of debt reduction down. As for the actual debt, not so much.

Obama's much-awaited plan for achieving long-term U.S. solvency proved to be less than met the ear. He followed what's becoming a depressingly familiar pattern of trumpeting supposedly hard choices while leaving the politically difficult measures to others.

Raise the Medicare retirement age? Not him.

Obama appears to believe that calling for higher taxes on the wealthy and on upper-income earners while claiming undeservedly to be an aggressive budget cutter will make for good campaigning. That it may, but there is far more for a President to be concerned about than the polls.

(Excerpt) Read more at nydailynews.com ...

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