Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Enough mister-nice-President! Obama should 'go negative' on GOP to win 2012 election

Enough mister-nice-President! Obama should 'go negative' on GOP to win 2012 election:

Forget the utterly predictable spin from the White House - Barack Obama is in serious peril of being a one-term President.

That's why Democratic Party elders know he has to hit the road - the low road.

"No hope, no change," a prominent Democratic strategist with close ties to the White House told the Daily News, referring to the uplifting message that won the day in 2008.

"Time to make the other side the issue."

If the 2012 election is a referendum on Obama, which is usually the case for incumbents running for reelection, he will almost certainly lose.

(Excerpt) Read more at nydailynews.com ...

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