Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web:

"Harrison J. Bounel," an alias identified for Barack Obama by debt-collection and skip-trace expert Albert Hendershot, is currently being scrubbed from professional databases, the investigator reports.

"I believe Obama supporters are trying to eliminate any and all evidence of Obama's shady past from all public databases," Hendershot told WND. "It's the only explanation for why the alias 'Harrison J. Bounel' has dropped from sight in database searches on public records done for Obama's Social Security number and home address in Chicago."

Hendershot documented his analysis in a report written for WND that can be read in its entirety here.

Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in the nation's history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by the author!

As seen in Exhibit 1, Hendershot has put together a chart that documents how he first found the Harrison J. Bounel name appearing in databases he was using to search properties in Chicago, and how he has worked with WND to make a series of previously unknown disclosures about the Obama home in Chicago's upscale Kenwood neighborhood at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue...................................


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