Sunday, July 24, 2011

World Net Daily officially 7th Day Adventist?

World Net Daily officially 7th Day Adventist?:

"I just received an email from World Net Daily advertising some books. Not unusual, as I'm on their list, and they send ads all the time.

What is strange though, is the fact that all the books in this ad are religious AND take the oddball '7th-day Sabbath' position--definitely a very minority position among conservative evangelicals, and Christians of all stripes.

The ad also hints at some dark conspiracy amidst conventional Christians, accusing us of not reading the bible carefully.

Some evangelical apologists too categorize Adventism (which started with those who firmly predicted Jesus to come again in the 1840s) itself is at least an eccentric sect, following Old Testament and extra-biblical regulations, if not a cult, not unlike many others that got founded about that time.

Is World Net Daily now officially Adventist?"

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