Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dr. Bill Ayers: Or how I learned to stop bombing and destroy the system from within ...

Dr. Bill Ayers:

Or how I learned to stop bombing and destroy the system from within ...: "The real question is: Who will control the schools? The design of the state is control of the child’s education, whether in the integrated or segregated school.”

That was the real question, and it still is: “Who will control the schools?”

Bill Ayers tried and failed at violent revolution, but he never lost sight of his goal — he just changed tactics. In an assessment of the Cuban Revolution in “Prairie Fire,” the authors noted that, “The revolution has launched an offensive to transform education and culture into powerful revolutionary tools.”

In future columns, we will explore just how Ayers and his colleagues launched an offensive in the 1960s and beyond to “transform education and culture into powerful revolutionary tools” right here in America, and how they succeeded.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

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