Monday, June 20, 2011

Ron Paul: “I Want To Legalize Freedom. What’s So Bad About That?”

Ron Paul: “I Want To Legalize Freedom. What’s So Bad About That?”:

"Congressman Ron Paul fired back at an NBC host today for suggesting that he was a fringe candidate in the 2012 GOP presidential race, despite the fact that Paul won another straw poll over the weekend.

After congratulating The Congressman on winning the Republican Leadership Conference straw poll, NBC’s Matt Lauer took it upon himself to “correct” a direct quote from Paul that voters were “coming around to much of what I have been saying for 30 years”.

“I might adjust the word ‘much’ of what you’ve been saying to ‘some’ of what you’ve been saying.” Lauer said, as he flashed up an image of a previous poll in which Paul was ranked lower than four other GOP candidates."

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