Monday, June 20, 2011



"n short, if you are a parent of a young person or you are a young person wondering about your future, one of the last things you should do is pay to go to a college or university.

Sure, thanks to criminal government mandates you can't practice certain professions without going to these expensive institutions, so if you want to be a doctor in the US or something similar you may have to play their sick game.

If your main intention is to learn, however, there is no excuse for not doing so completely outside of any organized school system. Thanks to the internet the world is at your fingertips. Take advantage of it before the governments begin to shut it down.

And, of course, no school education can compete with real life experiences. Travel is one of the best educations you can have... or start up a business. Or, at the very least, just intern or work under a business owner in whatever field you enjoy. But, of course, the government is trying to make internship illegal or impossible now too."

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