Monday, June 06, 2011

Alan Stang -- Why Does the Government Fear Armed Veterans? - Part 1

Alan Stang -- Why Does the Government Fear Armed Veterans? - Part 1:

"Of course, these are not my ideas. I can’t take credit for them. Remember that the nation’s birth certificate – the Declaration of Independence – says that whenever government becomes oppressive, whenever it tries to deny their rights, the people under it have the unalienable right to rise up and cast it off, even “abolish” it.

So, I write with the authority and under the protection of the President of the United States, because the man who wrote the Declaration later became President.

Indeed, he also wrote that every generation or so, the people should rise up and enjoy a bloody revolution, in which the tree of liberty is refreshed “with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” presumably to remind everyone who has the power.

Many Americans know this and believe it, but I have yet to see a piece by some expert explaining what it would be like today to “abolish” the federal government as the Declaration teaches.

How would it be done? Remember, I am merely speculating about some statements by the President of the United States. I am advocating nothing. I am too decrepit to do something myself. Shirley Temple in her prime could take me down. And everyone I know is as decrepit as I am.

I do know from the movies that the bullet comes out of the round hole in the gun, but that is all I know."

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