Friday, May 27, 2011

Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get � ~ BLOGGER.1984.GUNNY.G ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get � ~ BLOGGER.1984.GUNNY.G ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"WASHINGTON – Donald Trump today issued a written statement to the leftist Mother Jones magazine and other news outlets denying he told Jerome Corsi, author of a new bestselling book about Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility, he suspected the birth certificate released by the White House is fraudulent.

Trump also said he had not read Corsi’s book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President,” despite having his staff sign a non-disclosure agreement to get the book three weeks before it was released May 17.

Trump does not deny calling Corsi this week but claims in his statement it was only to congratulate him on the sales of his book.

However, Corsi says Trump repeated a conversation he had weeks ago in a conference call with WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah in which the building magnate said he is concerned about the validity of the document released April 27 by the Obama White House.

Farah confirms Trump questioned the authenticity of the birth certificate and said others around him do as well."

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