Friday, May 27, 2011

So where's the real birth certificate?

So where's the <i>real</i> birth certificate?:

"WASHINGTON – It was a billboard campaign that put the eligibility question on the front burner of American politics, says Joseph Farah.

And it's a revised version of that campaign that will bring it back before the 2012 election, he says.

Two years ago, Farah launched the original outdoor advertising program that simply asked, 'Where's the birth certificate?'

It was more controversial than Farah ever imagined. Five major outdoor advertising companies banned it. The outdoor advertising trade association denounced it. Farah's regular news media appearances evaporated.

Yet it captured the imagination of a nation skeptical about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for the presidency.

When the White House attempted to answer the question with the release of what it touted as Obama's original long-form birth certificate, the campaign was suspended. But when that document posed more questions than it answered, in Farah's words, he decided to revise and extend the campaign.

(Story continues below)"

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