Friday, May 27, 2011

JB Williams -- Which GOP Candidates Really Care About the Constitution?

JB Williams -- Which GOP Candidates Really Care About the Constitution?:

"For over two years now, a mountain of evidence has been collected and released on the Internet proving numerous ways that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born citizen” eligible for the office of President and Commander-in-Chief.

Every member of congress knows it and so does every member of the U.S. Supreme Court. But nobody, not even the newly elected Tea Party candidates of 2010 have raised a finger to do anything about it. The precedent stands, anyone from anywhere, loyal to foreign entities can be President of the United States now, without even having to provide the basic background information that is required every day in low level jobs across the country and around the globe.

Obama could never pass a standard FBI background check or high level security clearance. Yet, if this issue in not addressed, the precedence has been established.

Anyone, loyal to any foreign entity, can be president and nobody can even question that individual."

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