Friday, May 27, 2011

The Impeachable President| The Post & Email

The Impeachable President| The Post & Email:
"by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Is it treason when the U.S. Constitution is not upheld by those entrusted to do so?

(May 27, 2011) — The next president of the United States, the 44th (sorry, the Obama clown is not the 44th LEGAL president), if he does the job the way it should be done, which is to protect and defend the Constitution and, consequently, you and me, will be impeached.

But don’t go away sad, or mad; hear me out. This person will, by doing an exemplary job, really make a lot of powerful people ticked off which will, eventually, lead to impeachment proceedings. So what? The next president will resign as soon as the Constitution is restored anyway.

After all, being the President has to be the world’s number one thankless job.

You say “What?” and I couldn’t agree with you more. You see, at this time in the life of our Constitution, we have no time, nor patience, for a politician to “wheel and deal” with the opposition.

Before now, it was fun and games, sometimes referred to as “politics as usual.” But nowadays, it’s not “usual to trash the Constitution,” is it?"
Hey, See the Reader Responses on each article,
they are gems in themselves!

Gunny G: BLOGGER 1984 +



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The 'Reader Responses; shown on many posts/articles are almost always worthwhile reading.

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