Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jesse Ventura on Government Cover-Ups . . . 9/11, the Reality of HAARP and Making Government Better

Sunday, April 10, 2011 – with Anthony Wile

Jesse Ventura
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Jesse Ventura (left).
Introduction: Jesse Ventura is the former Independent Governor of Minnesota. He is also a former U.S. Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, movie actor, a visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and the New York Times bestselling author of five books. He is currently the host and executive producer of TruTV's Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. He has a reputation as the ultimate non-partisan truth-seeker; he has no qualms about questioning authority.
A brief synopsis:
Daily Bell: Does the government have too much money? Should the Federal Reserve, which prints money from nothing, be abolished?
Jesse Ventura: Hey wait a minute, the government has no money. It's all the Federal Reserve's money. None of that money belongs to the government. It all comes from the Federal Reserve and their name is on it. We have to get that straight right away. Absolutely the Federal Reserve should be abolished, in my opinion. It was created illegally to begin with, because the Constitution said they couldn't do that and then in 1913 they just amended the Constitution and did it anyway. If you want to amend the Constitution, you have to have approval of two thirds of the states, on a vote. They never did that so the Federal Reserve is illegal.
Daily Bell: Is there such a thing as money power? What it is?
Jesse Ventura: Absolutely, he who has the money has the power. That's why I will tell you that the Federal Reserve probably runs the United States of America because they have the money and the power. The money equates to power.
Daily Bell: Does an Anglo-American monetary elite – a few powerful banking families – want to create a New World Order?
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We look forward to hearing your feedback on today's Daily Bell.


Anthony Wile
Chief Editor, The Daily Bell
Executive Director, The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT)

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