Sunday, April 10, 2011

Devvy's Email Alerts...

Posted on my web site with links;

This is a bit late because my web master had some critical deadlines Friday he had to get done for his real job.

There will be new posts Monday late afternoon, so if you can't get to something on this list before then, you might wish to book mark it for later reading.

What Happened to the 'Liberty Dollar'? A dissenting view from Bill Rounds


Justice Hugo Black in DUNCAN v LOUISIANA Indicates Obama Would Not Be Eligible: Ineligibility Echoed by Former Attorney General Jeremiah Black


Here in West Texas we are in drought conditions. Water cut backs are now in effect. Our ranchers and farmers desperately need rain. The people need water as well as all the farm animals. This is a very bad situation if we don't get some good, sustained rain soon.

The criss cross spraying of our beautiful blue skies turning them into gray gunky overcast on some days is relentless giving me a massive migraine headache. My husband's allergies are crippling during spray days, and since he has advanced lung disease, on the days they spray, he cannot go outside.

I sent my newly elected state rep the DVD with G. Edward Griffin on what in the world are they spraying? I doubt he's watched it and tragically, I see nothing happening in our state legislature on this issue. In the meantime our weather is completely off kilter. Oklahoma is justifiably worried things could worsen to Dust Bowl conditions, yet politicians who are breathing the same poison do nothing.

Geoengineering (aerosol spraying) is one of the greatest human and environmental tragedies that has been underway for the past decade and it's no conspiracy theory. The government documents are there for anyone to see for themselves.

Two premiere and ACCURATE sites developed by my friend, Rosalind Peterson:

The Agriculture Defense Coalition

California Sky Watch


This column is factual. It's long but should be read to fully understand how evil all those programs are - especially the ones fooling with the weather to combat the fraud known as global warming.

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The 'Reader Responses; shown on many posts/articles are almost always worthwhile reading.

Often, the comments by readers enhance the posted article greatly, and are informative and interesting.

Hopefully, all will remember to read the reader comments, and post their own as well.