Friday, October 21, 2011

The Natural Course of the US Empire by Bill Bonner

The Natural Course of the US Empire by Bill Bonner:

We’ve made a number of big predictions here in The Daily Reckoning. Some of what we’ve foreseen has actually come to pass – the crash of the tech bubble…the collapse of the housing market…the Great Correction. Some of what we’ve forecast has not yet happened. Some never will.

But here is our most audacious forecast yet: the US is headed for ruin and revolution. The revolution will almost certainly be put down, violently. But the ruin cannot be stopped.

Yes, dear reader, the empire is following its natural course…with the zombies in control and the debt slaves whispering treason. It can’t afford enough bread to keep the popolo minuto (the little people) happy. It will be forced to get tough on them. It is only a matter of time before the secret police round up the ringleaders and disappear them. Heck, the Obama government has already decided that it has the power to kill citizens without any due process of law. What’s to stop it from killing lots of them?

A friend of ours in Argentina explains:

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