Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What if La Raza Boycotted Arizona – And No One Cared? (EPIC FAIL)

What if La Raza Boycotted Arizona – And No One Cared? (EPIC FAIL):

The National Council of La Raza recently called for their boycott of Arizona over S.B. 1070 to end. There was a ton of media hype about this boycott last year, and the threat sparked some big “BUYcott” efforts by Stand With Arizona and others (here, here, here and many more) to urge like-minded Americans to support the state’s economy against what was expected to be a major coordinated attack.

Indeed, La Raza, the AFL-CIO, SEIU and others spent a ton of time and money to push their boycott. We pushed our efforts too. So how did it all work out? Well, SWA’s AZBuycott page and site has received over 8 million visits since it launched on May 15, 2010. We urged people to buy Arizona products and most importantly, to come to Arizona with their families, associations and businesses. We don’t know how much it helped, but we do know we got million of hits and tens of thousands of supportive emails.

So how much did La Raza’s high profile boycott hurt the state?

What boycott?

La Raza’s first high-profile objective: to cancel the MLB All-Star Game, was an epic failure.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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