Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tea Party group forms its own 'super committee'

Tea Party group forms its own 'super committee':

Washington (CNN) - As the congressional "super committee" works in Washington to cut America's federal debt, a panel of tea party activists will meet at a Denny's restaurant in Orlando to propose their own debt solutions.

The gathering, convened by the large conservative political group FreedomWorks, will meet Sept. 23, coinciding with the Florida Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual meeting of right-leaning politicians.

"FreedomWorks believes that President Obama's 'super-committee' will inevitably fall prey to special interest groups, shutting American taxpayers out of the discussion on how to reduce spending and balance the budget," FreedomWorks said in a statement. "The Tea Party Debt Commission was created to give the American people a platform to be heard, and to propose specific cuts to the federal budget."


"The committee's goal is to create a budget plan that balances the federal budget within 10 years; reduces federal spending to 18 percent of GDP; reduces the national debt to no more than 66 percent of GDP; reduces federal spending by at least $9 trillion over 10 years (including $300 billion in the first year); and does not raise taxes," the group said in their statement.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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