Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Dances with indoctrinators: How the left rewrites history and brainwashes your kids

Dances with indoctrinators:

How the left rewrites history and brainwashes your kids:

As it was, the Comanches used the horse to force the Apaches out of western Texas and New Mexico and into the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona, where Geronimo would later fight the white man.

Mexicans were so fearful of the Comanches that they encouraged Anglos to settle in Texas and kill as many Comanches as they could.

Thus the seeds of the Republic of Texas were sown, which would later blossom into the War with Mexico. But this history isn’t taught in American schools, especially those with large Mexican student populations, because it runs counter to the PC claptrap that Mexicans, er, Hispanics, have been victims of white oppression and were never victimizers themselves or descendants of evil white Europeans...............


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