Sunday, August 14, 2011

ObamaCare stomping on liberty

ObamaCare stomping on liberty:

"Now we have it, and almost daily there are new revelations about the staggering extent to which our private lives and individual freedoms have been stomped on.

We learn now that free birth control in the form of contraceptives, morning-after pills, and sterilization is part of the grand Obamacare socialist dream-come-true.

The health insurance that Obamacare mandates that all employers provide and that all citizens acquire must pay 100 percent for these birth-control products and services, with no deductible or co-pays. Birth control gets more preferential treatment than cancer or heart disease.


Obamacare is a masterpiece in its achievement of leaving no corner of our personal freedoms unviolated. It hijacks our pocketbook, our autonomy of action and our conscience.

The result is to leave us economically and morally impoverished.

The Congressional Budget Office forecasts huge deficits and growing debt, double what they are today, driven primarily by health-care spending, fueled by Obamacare-mandated entitlements."

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