Monday, July 11, 2011

Only Mass Arrests Can Shut Down “Government By Corporate Dictatorship” | Veterans Today

Only Mass Arrests Can Shut Down “Government By Corporate Dictatorship” | Veterans Today: "Republicans, using their control of the House of Representatives and Supreme Court are blackmailing America. Their threat? They say they will collapse our economy, shut it down and throw America into a total depression if we don’t agree to end Medicare and give the rich a tax free existence. They have more demands too, ones we haven’t seen yet. I suspect nuking Iran is on their list. There are a few lakes and streams not polluted yet.

They have mentioned they want an end to all regulations and inspections of nuclear power plants.

Can they pull it off? Yes. How should the president respond? Should he “give in?”

We have seen President Obama do two crazy things recently.

1. He"

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