Monday, July 11, 2011

Obama Does What He Does Best

Obama Does What He Does Best: "The Debt Ceiling Debate Is Going Down To The Wire

Democrats or the National Socialist front In North America see raising taxes as the generic answer to all problems or at least an integral part of the solution. To paraphrase Rahm, 'Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste Without Using It As An Excuse To Raise Taxes'. The looming default is not an emergency that popped up overnight, Obama precipitated the crisis with a stimulus that accomplished nothing, except for the sole purpose of solidifying Obama's political base both domestic and international by using taxpayer dollars, after that boondoggle for the American people, he charged full speed into profligate spending mode. Now, quite by accident or a result of Bush's more moderate profligacy, according to the Socialist Party line, the US is nearing default and must increase its borrowing limits.

Fair enough, A Republican controlled congress is"

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