Wednesday, June 22, 2011

'They' Hate Our Freedoms by Thomas DiLorenzo

'They' Hate Our Freedoms by Thomas DiLorenzo:

"Consider just a short list of the neocon attacks on the liberties of the American people. There's the law passed by the Republican Congress that would give a moron like George W. Bush the ability to declare martial law.

Bush himself claims to have the power of 'the unitary executive,' a term the founding fathers were certainly unfamiliar with, that supposedly gives him the right to essentially act as a dictator and ignore the Constitution because of the 'war on terra,' which he says will last forever.

The so-called PATRIOT Act allows the government to declare that almost anyone who protests government actions is an 'enemy combatant' and deprive them of all constitutional rights. The neocons also desire to suspend habeas corpus whenever they want to, a constitutional right that former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez claimed in a statement to a congressional committee is not even a constitutional right.

Warrantless wiretapping is par for the Bush administration course — not that wiretapping with a 'warrant' is much better from a civil liberties perspective. The Republican Congress claimed that Bush is exempted from the Geneva Convention and is essentially above the law. He obviously believes that he is."

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