Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Required Reading for Ron Paul Revolutionaries by Thomas DiLorenzo

Required Reading for Ron Paul Revolutionaries by Thomas DiLorenzo:

"In A Nation of Sheep Napolitano gives us chapter and verse of how Americans have been neo-conned into acquiescing in such an attack on their own liberties. The book is the third in a trilogy, following Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks its Own Laws, and The Constitution in Exile. All three are required reading for Ron Paul Revolutionaries — and for anyone who wants to understand the meaning and significance of constitutional liberty in America, who its enemies are, and why they must be stopped.

All neocons play the Orwellian game of making pronouncements about the Constitution, pretending to be supportive of it, while actively supporting its destruction. They are especially fond of cloaking themselves in a few selected words of the founding fathers to give the impression that Washington, Jefferson, and Madison would somehow approve of their foreign policy imperialism.

But consider this: At the heart of their phony constitutionalism lies the notion that, before the American Revolution, the founders said something like this to the King of England: 'Your Majesty, all we ask is that you provide us with security and protect us from the French, the Spaniards, and any other hostile force.

In return, we will gladly give up all of our personal liberties and the rights of Englishmen.'"

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gunny G. Hit me up with a friend request on Facebook - here is the link Semper Fi D-Dog!


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