Monday, June 13, 2011

Obama Coal Regulations to Boost Price of Electricity as Much as 60 Percent by 2014

Obama Coal Regulations to Boost Price of Electricity as Much as 60 Percent by 2014: "COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama, while still a candidate, promised he would bankrupt the coal industry. According to the Chicago Tribune, it looks like this will be a rare promise that Obama will actually keep.

Unfortunately, it will mean sky-rocketing electricity prices for Americans, as much as 60 percent more by AdChoices 2014.

The Obama administration intends to slap environmental regulations on coal fired plants that will make many of them impossible to operate. Even those coal plants that will continue to function will only do so at the expense of billions of dollars of upgrades, which of course will be passed along to the consumer.

Obama's plan to bankrupt the coal industry originally depended on cap and trade. Coal fired plants produce more than their share of so-called greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and would have been hit hardest in a cap and trade regime."

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