Monday, June 13, 2011

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law:

"What can citizens do if their elected representatives sanction criminal activity by a President of the United States?

* Not a natural born citizen? No problem.
* Forged birth certificate? No problem.
* Stolen Social Security Number? No problem.
* Forged Selective Service registration? No problem.

One course of action is not to vote for anyone who is presently in Congress.

Am I recommending throwing the baby out with the bath water? You betcha.

Members of Congress are neither stupid nor ignorant. They are all well aware of the evidence indicating that Obama is ineligible for the Presidency and may be guilty of felonies.

By not investigating the mounting criminal evidence against Obama, members of Congress are willfully negligent as well as active participants in an ongoing conspiracy to hide their complicity in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

We have elections, but we no longer have representative government. Members of Congress are only interested in their own power, prestige and financial gain.

Petitioning Congress to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law has become an exercise in futility. It is like negotiating with the Russians."

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