Monday, May 30, 2011

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for the fall

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for the fall: "As Mr. Napolitano correctly noted, Congress has gone from upholding the Constitution to evading it.

Basically, the permanent political class is saying to the American people: “we’ll do whatever we want and you prove that we can’t do it.”

That is exactly how Barack Obama has been operating and why no one in Washington, D.C. will challenge him.

Our political royals want the option of evading the Constitution or any law they deem inconvenient, like, most recently, what appears to be Congressional insider stock trading and the distribution of Obamacare waivers as political favors.

If the people at the highest levels of government believe that they can, whenever they wish, commit law evasion, what can ordinary citizens do?

We can hope that the cover-up surrounding Obama’s alleged crimes begins to unravel and honest, courageous and patriotic leaders step forward to root out those complicit, eliminate the endemic corruption and guide the country back on the right course.

Otherwise, left with no alternatives, open dissent will grow and chaos will ensue.

Keep your powder dry."

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