Monday, May 30, 2011

A Clarion Call to Military Leadership | Veterans Today

A Clarion Call to Military Leadership | Veterans Today:

"Does it matter to those of you with souls that the Constitutional Rights of the American people are being stripped away, unilaterally, or that daily, the good people of this once strong Nation are being mis-treated more and more by brutal force? Does it matter all of this is happening while resources that could serve the good are being wasted on foreign soil in the illegal, unwarranted murder of civilians in the name of “campaigns” that only fill the coiffures of the corporations​

You of the good Military have the resources, skills, and experience of intelligence gathering, covert operations, special forces training, and technology to conduct an “Operation Jericho” in keeping your oath to the American people and the beloved Country of America. Joshua brought down the compromised, corrupted government of Jericho without bloodshed and without firing one shot because he asked for the help to do so from Our Creator and was sincere in the asking. This is a Clarion Call for those in the American Military, especially key leadership, to make that call upon Our Creator in unison with sincerity, as the warrior Joshua did.

When facing your accounting with Creator at the end of this life stream, how do you want to be remembered?"

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