Monday, May 30, 2011

Incensed voters 'repudiate' Washington's leadership

Incensed voters 'repudiate' Washington's leadership: "Voters across America are fed up with Washington's behavior, don't believe representatives are getting the message and may just respond with demands for a constitutional amendment that would wrap duct tape around the profligate spending habits in government, according to a new poll.

'An overwhelming percent of 75 percent said they would favor a U.S. constitutional amendment requiring an annual balanced budget from the federal government,' said Fritz Wenzel, whose public-opinion research and media consulting company, Wenzel Strategies, conducted the poll.

It was a telephone survey conducted May 18-20 and has a margin of error of 3.01 percentage points.

He said voters jumped onto the bandwagon for GOP candidates in 2010 in Congress to send a message of restrained spending and no more borrowing, and now find that Washington hasn't been listening all that well.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the"

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