Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Unexamined President and His Media Enablers

The Unexamined President and His Media Enablers ^

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:30:13 PM by mimi from mi

As usual, the mainstream media are getting wrong the significance of President Obama’s release of his actual birth certificate. In the liberal-left narrative, the “birther” issue was always evidence of the Republican Party’s fringe kookiness: as the Daily Kos’s Markos Moulitsas crowed, “What better way to show how out of touch and irrational Republicans are than to rub this in their face?”

Moreover, according to The New Yorker’s David Remnick, any questions about Obama’s past are “a conscious form of race-baiting, of fear-mongering,” on the part of crypto-racists unwilling to accept a black President because of “fear of the Other.”

But these juvenile ad hominem attacks can’t illuminate, any more than releasing the birth certificate did, the truly significant issue — the media’s complicity in leaving unanswered an unprecedented number of questions about the least investigated President in modern history.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

1 comment:

  1. And... the above article is the a-z of the entire story--it doesn't matter what the question is, the fourth estate answer will always be the same, as if the question had actually been what they want the question to have been--and the silly public cannot/will not look any further than the fourth estate says it is, therefore the explanation is entirely reasonable to them.

    Talk about brainwashing!

    All these years of marxist education/indoctrination has taken its toll...both the FE and the marxist public is on exactly the same wavelength!


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