Saturday, April 30, 2011

If you agree with Obama, you’re a liar. And if you disagree with him, you’re a racist.

Obama has become an event horizon beyond which truth no longer seems to exist anymore

Obama has become an event horizon beyond which truth no longer seems to exist anymore. The birth certificate release no longer has any real meaning. It’s always possible to find more ‘questions’ to ask about it. There’s no objective way to finalize the issue, because the consensus has broken down.

The left’s unprecedented corruption of government and the media which could have played a watchdog role, means that those institutions can no longer serve as watchdogs, only propagandists.
When you can no longer trust institutions, then you either drink the kool aid or refuse to drink anything at all.

The question isn’t are they lying, it’s how much are they lying. And when you’re dealing with that kind of framework, to ‘trust’ you have to argue that they would lie X amount, but not Y amount.

Because lying Y amount would be just crazy. Right?
The left is free to believe that asking for Obama’s birth certificate is racist. And plenty on the right will believe that the birth certificate is fake. The Racists vs Liars debate of narratives has been going on for a while now and it transcends the birth certificate. It’s the larger story here. The zero sum struggle. And it’s only going to get uglier.

Are we in a recovery or an economic disaster? If you believe the liars, we’re in a recovery. And the only people denying it hate socialism, which as we all know is code, for race. Is Global Warming a serious problem? The liars say yes and that anyone who disagree is a racist who hates the Third World countries that are suffering from GW. Is ObamaCare… well you get the drill. Ground Zero Mosque, yep. Big government. You know it.

If you agree with Obama, you’re a liar. And if you disagree with him, you’re a racist.

If you agree with Obama, you’re a liar. And if you disagree with him, you’re a racist. It’s useless to conduct a political debate under these conditions.
This level of divisiveness is less about Obama, and more about the way the left has used institutions under its control to promote him and silence his critics.

And there’s a price to pay for that. Constant propaganda works. And it doesn’t. You end up with two types of people. One type who believes everything the authorities say. The other who wouldn’t believe them if they said the sun was shining.

The media was meant to be a forum, instead it’s become a propaganda megaphone. And the alternative is a crowd-sourced media. Which is exactly what we have on the internet.

Crowdsourced media means more mistakes, but it still beats a one note media apparatus which spends all day blaring OBAMA IS GREAT LOOK HOW GREAT OBAMA IS ISN’T HE GREAT THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO DON’T LIKE HIM ARE RACISTS. Of course conspiracy theories flourish in such an environment. How could they not.

And how do you disprove them when is no longer a consensus on much of anything anymore.................................


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