Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Media Ignoring Veterans Call For Impeachment !!!!!

…A handful of perpetual malcontents with their hand out make headline news in every newsroom in America for weeks on end. The 3% who want a free ride on taxpayers back can get coverage anytime they want from the Goebbels-like American media.
But where is the press coverage on a Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic issued by thousands of Military Veterans and millions of patriotic taxpayers across the country? I hear crickets…
Since the American press has become little more than a bull horn for the Obama administration and the International Left, I suppose it makes sense that thousands of Veterans calling for Obama’s impeachment would not be news worthy in the modern American newsroom. After all, the last time thousands of patriotic Americans stood up to the federal government with veterans at the helm, it turned into the first American Civil War. That’s not news worthy…
In fact, we have come to expect and even accept the reality that the American press is in the propaganda business, rather than the news business. Even FOX News, albeit “fair and balanced” – is no longer truthful or accurate in its reporting.
But, what about the new online medium—the so-called conservative blogosphere? The best event coverage has come from outside the USA, from Canada Free Press. Inside the USA, it has come from World Net Daily, Right Side News and Post & Email.
From Newsmax, American Thinker, American Spectator, Townhall, Drudge and many others?—Nothing—zippo—nada… and from the conservative TV and radio personalities?—crickets again!
via Media Ignoring Veterans Call For Impeachment.

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