Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Did Obama Have Gay Sex with Donald Young…then Murder Him? [Politico Please Help!] � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Did Obama Have Gay Sex with Donald Young…then Murder Him? [Politico Please Help!] � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

Larry Sinclair claims that Obama not only had an extensive history of cocaine usage and sales, but that Obama had homosexual sex with Larry and a man named Donald Young. [snip] Here is some text from Larry’s press conference:

[snip] This first call shocked me in that this “Mr. Young” asked me why I had not asked Senator Obama to disclose the sexual encounters I had with Mr. Obama in 1999.

[snip] In late October 2007, I received a text message from the gentleman identified as “Mr. Young” in which he stated he was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999 and that Obama wanted to be sure I had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug incidents with any media at that time.

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