Monday, October 10, 2011

Unsolved Mysteries - The Blob (VIDEO)

Unsolved Mysteries - The Blob (VIDEO):

A Toxic Goo rains on residents of Oakville, Washington May 8, 1997

It sounds like a bad science fiction movie, but for the little town in Washington there was nothing entertaining about the scourge that befell them in 1994. Six times it rained down from above, leaving dozens of local residents ill, and several pets and small animals dead. It all happened in Oakville, Washington, population 665. Here in Oakville, clouds fill the skies daily, bringing rain some 275 days a year. So, when it began pouring on the morning of August 7, 1994, no one was particularly concerned - until they realized it wasn't raining rain. It was raining tiny blobs of gelatinous goo. It came down in torrents, blanketing 20 square miles, and brought with it something of a plague.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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