Monday, October 17, 2011

Paul McGuire — Manchurian Media Personality and the Reality of the Mind Control War � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

Paul McGuire — Manchurian Media Personality and the Reality of the Mind Control War � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

In my previous article on Manchurian Candidate’s for political office, I describe how sophisticated mind control technologies like MK ULTRA and social engineering, can be used to create politicians who have been programmed to carry out specific assignments. These same brainwashing technologies can be used to develop media personalities. Manchurian media personalities dominate radio, television and the Internet.

Their personalities and perspectives were created in the mind control the factories of our universities, business corporations, motivational seminars, ideological programming, and consensus building and, in some cases, targeted mind control and brainwashing. Since John Dewey, the founder of modern public education, began using Soviet techniques of brainwashing since in the 1920’s, the collective mindset of our culture washas been moved strategically from a Judeo Christian one to an atheistic, humanistic and socialist worldview.

For the last century, the psycho-social strategies used in Communist nations to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology and to monitor compliance for the rest of their lives, have been used in the United States.....

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