Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Establishment? We the People

The Establishment? We the People:

My beef about democracy is that it never gives us a choice… (rimshot).

Smaller government cures every ill that emanates from Washington. Even the judicial branch of government needs money to consider its next assault on the Constitution. Do you think Ruth Bader Ginsburg would continue to subvert the will of the people if her check bounced next week? Doubtful. Unfortunately we never get a ”smaller government” box to check in the voting booth.

The democratic process is a threat to a republican form of government… (rimshot 2.0).

Now, I realize that a sentence like that will cause eyes to roll, but consider the facts. Well-informed citizens have always been aware that democracies crash when people (and according to Myth Romney corporations are people too) discover that they can vote themselves a pay raise.

Ergo, voters kill Republics. (This is the only sentence within this article that the MSM would ever refer to.)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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