Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Devvy Kidd -- U.S. Congress, Obama/Soetoro are anti-American jobs

Devvy Kidd -- U.S. Congress, Obama/Soetoro are anti-American jobs:

"The Republicans also talk out of both sides of their mouths about creating jobs. As you read this column, please remember that a whopping 82% of incumbents were allegedly reelected in November 2010.

The American people, drowning in Congressionally created debt, massive foreclosures and no jobs, were so happy with the Outlaw Congress, they voted back 82% of the same people who destroyed America's three critical job sectors - manufacturing, industrial and agriculture through 'free' trade treaties.

It is NOT the job of the General Government to create jobs. It is the private sector which creates jobs that actually produce something and now hanging in shreds thanks to the Outlaw Congress over the past two decades."

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