Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Call for Race War to keep Obama in power| The Post & Email � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Call for Race War to keep Obama in power| The Post & Email � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL): ALERT:

Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Call for Race War to keep Obama in power| The Post & Email

August 31, 2011
Gunny G

ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Call for Race War to keep Obama in power


by Sher Zieve, �2011

Robert Mugabe became president of Zimbabwe by popular vote. He seized farms owned by whites and redistributed them to blacks in an effort to fight capitalism and colonialism, after which Zimbabwe’s economy suffered a serious downturn.

(Aug. 31, 2011) — Since usurping the US presidency, the Marxist-Leninist Obama syndicate has committed treason after treason upon the USA and its people. Note: See my past columns for more information.

Now, however, it is moving into the next and, as predicted, extreme violence phase. The CBC is going from city to city nationally and demanding

“Beyond Zimbabwe change!” As the TEA Party has attempted to rein in Congressional spending, the CBC has become more vicious in its rhetoric against it.......

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