Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wishful Thinking: Why The�Economist Wants Social Media to Replace�Blogs by Anthony Wile

Wishful Thinking: Why The�Economist Wants Social Media to Replace�Blogs by Anthony Wile: "Facebook – the CIA conspiracy ... Facebook has 20 million users worldwide, is worth billions of dollars and, if internet sources are to be believed, was started by the CIA. The social networking phenomenon started as a way of American college students to keep in touch. It is rapidly catching up with MySpace, and has left others like Bebo in its wake.

But there is a dark side to the success story that's been spreading across the blogosphere. A complex but riveting Big Brother-type conspiracy theory, which links Facebook to the CIA and the US Department of Defence. The CIA is, though, using a Facebook group to recruit staff for its very sexy sounding National Clandestine Service.

The story starts once Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had"

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