Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sex, Lies and Government Schools

Sex, Lies and Government Schools: "It is no secret that government schools across the United States have become indoctrination centers for the spreading of a social gospel that is anathema to the values of the majority of American parents. Public education is largely run by union bosses and liberal school boards protecting incompetent educrats who push an agenda that has nothing to do with teaching children how to think and everything to do with teaching them what to think. Hitler, Stalin and Mao would be proud.

You may be surprised to learn that this disease of so-called progressive education has spread far beyond the borders of blue states and big cities, and is now infecting even the most conservative areas of the country. Thanks to 21st century communications combined with a desire to be considered tolerant, diverse and multi-cultural, and facilitated by a dictatorial federal Department of Education, local school boards across the fruited plain are joyfully leaping into the propaganda business in direct defiance of the will of the people they purport to serve. In fact, this clash of standards has been brought to the heartland in one of the reddest of our red states."

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