Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Roy Masters -- When a Crime is Committed Under Hypnosis, Who is the Real Perpetrator?

Roy Masters -- When a Crime is Committed Under Hypnosis, Who is the Real Perpetrator?: "From time to time, something in the news calls our attention to something that our laws and our criminal justice system have not yet taken adequately into account. This is the very real fact that quite often the actual perpetrator of a crime is acting under the influence of a hypnotic state when the crime is committed, and does something the real person never would have done otherwise. Without a better and more widespread understanding of how hypnotic influence works and how to counter it, we will continue to jail people who perhaps should not be jailed, and release them back unprepared into the abusive hypnotic environment of childhood whereby the real perpetrators remain the free hidden reason behind most all crime.

Consider some examples."

1 comment:

  1. See Also:



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