Friday, July 15, 2011


THE METAPHOR OF THE BULB: "But you can't succeed unless you can also fail, and you can't be free unless you are left to face the consequences of your freedom. The government needs to learn that, and so do we.

We need to stop being complicit in our own enslavement. We must stop expecting the government to meet our every need and kiss our every booboo. We must accept personal responsibility for our wellbeing and support. We must realize that life isn't fair, we don't all make the same amount of money, the storms do rage and the earth does quake, and that we can't take a government handout without accepting a government restraint.

This country wasn't formed to make us safe, it was formed to make us free. The purpose of government is not to oversee our lives, it is to safeguard our liberties.

Both we and the government must learn its place.

And it must learnt to keep its nose out of our business."

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